We all feel the urge occasionally to criticize someone. But it's a good idea to stop before you say anything and think about it. Remember that criticism hurts -- regardless of who it is directed at. Ask yourself: What good is the criticism going to do? Who will it help? Anyone? There are, indeed, cases where mild criticism might help, but they are rare.
Some of the things that criticism leads to are: hurt feelings, anger, broken friendships, and fights. Indeed, there is only one of two things a person being criticized will do: He (or she) will retreat in shame and embarrassment and say little, or they will lash back at you in anger. Neither of these are in your best interest. So catch yourself when you feel an urge to criticize. Furthermore, if you criticize someone, you'll likely find that you end up feeling just as bad as the one you are criticizing.
Blaming someone is just as bad as criticizing. Many people feel frustrated when things don't go the way they want, and they immediately begin to blame someone. It's amazing, in fact, how many people blame their shortcomings on someone else. Many people blame their parents for their behavior; they blame them because they didn't finish school, or didn't go to university. Even criminals blame others for their behavior. In most cases, however, there's only one person to blame for your shortcoming, and it's you. You have to hold yourself responsible for everything you do; it's up to you to overcome any shortcomings you may have. Your choices were made by you (in almost all cases); they were not forced on you, so you have to take responsibility for them.
Don't blame others.
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